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Ethical Management

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YOUYANG Ethics Charter

All of our employees are proud to be the top-tier company in the field of airport lighting.
We are committed to becoming a world-class company contributing to the nation and society through
ethical management, and we pledge to set the ethical charter as a standard and actively implement it.

  • All of our employees respect our customers, strive to satisfy our customers, and secure their trust
    through high-quality services.
  • All employees, in dealing with all matters, faithfully observe the basic principles, respect the customs and
    order of the commerce, and honestly and transparently perform all the duties to create a sound and clean
    corporate culture.
  • All employees have high ethical values maintaining the dignity and honor, and always strive to receive the respect and trust.
  • All employees do not engage in any unfair conduct that may lead to private interests or impair fairness by using their authority or office in the business, and do not receive any money, gifts, entertainment, and do not provide insider trading with stakeholders, or offer convenience.
  • All employees do not omit, conceal, monopolize or divulge any information or secrets obtained in the course of business with intentional or unfair purposes.
  • All employees strive for continuous self-development and core competencies.
Ethics Management Compliance and Declaration

I declare to pursue mutual development through honest transactions to our customers, fair dealings with our partners,
compete fairly with our competitors, and conform the following in order to fulfill our responsibilities and obligations to our
employees and society.

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Ethics Management Compliance


I declare to pursue mutual development through honest transactions to our customers, fair dealings with our partners, compete fairly with our competitors, and conform the following in order to fulfill our responsibilities and obligations to our employees and society.

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I will not manipulate the documents or the coefficients differently from the facts in carrying out my work, and I will make all reports fairly.

I will not engage in any unfair transaction or corruption or abuse in observance of the Ethical Guidelines.

I will not disclose company internal information, such as business and management information obtained through business execution, to a third party without prior approval from our supervisor.

. If I recognize employees’ unfair business transaction, irregularities and corruption in the course of business, or if getting suggested fraud or corruption from the business partner, I will immediately notify this to the Management Support Team

In the event of breach of the above, I will accept disadvantages and will not raise objections.