40 years of accumulated technology

Quality & Environment Management

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Quality Policy

YOUYANG Co., Ltd. is committed to supply products and services that meet customer expectations and requirements.
Our employees are committed to be achieved this goal by complying with the provisions of the following Quality Management System.


출하되는 모든 제품은 고객의 품질 요구조건을 만족시킨다는 것을 보장한다.

Maximize customer satisfaction
through supplying good
quality products.



제품 및 서비스의 지속적인 품질개선을 통하여 품질문제 발생을 최소화 한다.

Minimize quality problems
through continuous quality improvement.



전 사원은 지정된 절차를 준수하여 부여된 직무를 수행함으로써 품질에 기여한다.

Strive to upgrade the quality
through keeping the procedure.

Environment Policy

YOUYANG Co., Ltd. endeavors to recognize the importance and value of global environmental protection, to consider the environment throughout its management activities, and to minimize the environmental impact of all activities, products and services as like following

  • 01Establishment of an environmental management system suitable for environmental impacts related to the company
  • 02Continuous implementation to improve environmental performance
  • 03Development of eco-friendly products and establishment of clean production system
  • 04Minimization of waste generation and reduction
  • 05Sustainable resource use and climate change mitigation
  • 06Compliance with environmental laws andthe commitment of stakeholders